The little seed
Title: THE LITTLE SEED Short description: In this activity children will learn all about the lifecycle of a seed. It will show them what different seeds look like, how seeds begin to produce a small shoot and the conditions seeds need to grow. They will then…
The little shoot
Title: THE LITTLE SHOOT Short description: In this activity it is a lead on from the little seed, the children will need to have completed it first. So we will now take our gardens in a glove and explain how they have grown and what has…
Come bevono le piante?
Titolo:COME BEVONO LE PIANTE? Breve descrizione: I bambini con giochi ed esperimenti potranno scoprire l’importanza dell’acqua per le piante e il suo comportamento in diversi tipi di suolo. Quale è il suolo piú adatto per far crescere le piante che hanno bisogno di molta acqua…
Growing a plant
Title: GROWING A PLANT Short description: In this workshop children will learn how to plant a seed and how to transplant it on the soil. In particular: each child brings an empty yogurt container; the educator writes their names on the containers, so that children are able…
Seed bombs. Nendo dango
Title: SEED BOMBS. NENDO DANGO Short description: Seed bombs are a useful tool that gardeners can use to spread flowers in bared spots, creating pockets of beauty and habitats for pollinators. This is a revolutionary technique which is especially suitable and motivating for children from 3…
Life of the plant project
Title: LIFE OF THE PLANT PROJECT Short description: Children will prepare a poster of a growing plant – from a seed to a flower. It will show step by step the stages – from sowing, to germination, to seedling, to growing, to the appearance of the…
Invisible gardeners – the useful insects in the garden
Title: INVISIBLE GARDENERS – THE USEFUL INSECTS IN THE GARDEN Short description: In this activity, children will be introduced to the concept of the useful insects in the garden that contribute to the life of the Garden and development of the delicious harvest. The children will…
The root – function of the root
Title: THE ROOT – FUNCTION OF THE ROOT Short description: Within this activity, children will become familiar with the concept of “the root” as a major part of the; structure of the plant, its functions, and why it is so important for the life of the…
The seeds – sharing the abundance
Title: THE SEEDS – SHARING THE ABUNDANCE Short description: With this activity, children will learn about the seeds of various edible plants (beans, corn, wheat, sunflower, pumpkin, marigold, courgettes, etc.). They will explore the differences in their shape, colour and size. They will sort the seeds of the same plant…
The caring gardeners
Title: THE CARING GARDENERS Short description: This is a group activity in which children learn, explore, sing, play and experience the concept of the role of a human in growing and harvesting in the garden. This is achieved through a presentation, commentary and practical realization of…