The little shoot
Title: THE LITTLE SHOOT Short description: In this activity it is a lead on from the little seed, the children will need to have completed it first. So we will now take our gardens in a glove and explain how they have grown and what has…
I am natural! (Arcimboldo art)
Title: I AM NATURAL!(ARCIMBOLDO ART) Short description: This workshop is clearly related to the word of arts, and aims to attempt that a garden is an amazing tool to work all the subjects of the curriculum in an interrelated way, which definitely is much more enriching…
Companion plants – growing strong & tasty garden
Title: COMPANION PLANTS – GROWING A STRONG & TASTY GARDEN Short description: In this activity, children are introduced to the concept of partner planting (allelopathy), which provides natural, mechanical and chemical protection to the garden from diseases and pests, it enhances plant immunity and provides abundant…
The seeds – sharing the abundance
Title: THE SEEDS – SHARING THE ABUNDANCE Short description: With this activity, children will learn about the seeds of various edible plants (beans, corn, wheat, sunflower, pumpkin, marigold, courgettes, etc.). They will explore the differences in their shape, colour and size. They will sort the seeds of the same plant…
The caring gardeners
Title: THE CARING GARDENERS Short description: This is a group activity in which children learn, explore, sing, play and experience the concept of the role of a human in growing and harvesting in the garden. This is achieved through a presentation, commentary and practical realization of…
The life of the garden – talk and play
Title: THE LIFE OF THE GARDEN – TALK AND PLAY Short description: Children will discover the process of growing plants: from soil preparation through sowing seeds, watering, sprouting, blooming, pollination and the actual production of fruits. Via a dramatization, children will experience major steps of plants…
From flower to fruit!
Title: From flower to fruit! Short description: By observing a flower, children discover its parts and the treasure in it: the pollen. By making scientific experiments, children will discover how a flower attracts insects, which are extremely important for the natural process of pollination that turns a…
Leaves and sun, two constant companions
Title: LEAVES AND SUN, TWO CONSTANT COMPANIONS Short description: Using a bean plant grown in a box we show children how plants grow by following the sunlight, a basic resource for their life. With the help of the memory game, we find out that plants have many…
A small seed for big discoveries
Title: A SMALL SEED FOR BIG DISCOVERIES Short description: Starting from telling an ancient fable, children will discover what a plant grows out of, what seeds are, how they are made and what types of soil they need to germinate.They will not only watch them closely…