Far crescere una pianta
Titolo: FAR CRESCERE UNA PIANTA Breve descrizione: In questo laboratorio i bambini impareranno come piantare un seme e come trapiantarlo nella terra. In particolare: ogni bambino porta un vasetto di yogurt vuoto: l’insegnante scrive i nomi dei bambini sui vasetti in modo che ognuno di loro possa…
La vita dell’orto – parliamo e giochiamo
Title: LA VITA DELL’ORTO – PARLIAMO E GIOCHIAMO Breve descrizione: I bambini scopriranno come far crescere le piante: dalla preparazione del terreno alla semina, all’innaffiamento, alla germinazione, alla fioritura, all’impollinazione, fino alla produzione dei frutti.Tramite una ricostruzione, i bambini vivranno le fasi principali della coltivazione delle…
The game of the senses – small detectives
Title: THE GAME OF THE SENSES. SMALL DETECTIVES Short description: In this workshop children will learn how to recognize aromatic plants and how to use them. This will be done by using the sense of smell, to identify herbs and by discovering the properties of the…
I am natural! (Arcimboldo art)
Title: I AM NATURAL!(ARCIMBOLDO ART) Short description: This workshop is clearly related to the word of arts, and aims to attempt that a garden is an amazing tool to work all the subjects of the curriculum in an interrelated way, which definitely is much more enriching…
Growing a plant
Title: GROWING A PLANT Short description: In this workshop children will learn how to plant a seed and how to transplant it on the soil. In particular: each child brings an empty yogurt container; the educator writes their names on the containers, so that children are able…
The life cycle of the plant
Title: THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE PLANT Short description: With this activity, children will learn about the life cycle of the plant by watching a short video and exploring each phase – seed, sprout, young plant, flower, bud, fruit and decomposing (for annual plants). Within the…
The caring gardeners
Title: THE CARING GARDENERS Short description: This is a group activity in which children learn, explore, sing, play and experience the concept of the role of a human in growing and harvesting in the garden. This is achieved through a presentation, commentary and practical realization of…
The life of the garden – talk and play
Title: THE LIFE OF THE GARDEN – TALK AND PLAY Short description: Children will discover the process of growing plants: from soil preparation through sowing seeds, watering, sprouting, blooming, pollination and the actual production of fruits. Via a dramatization, children will experience major steps of plants…